Lately I have been feeling like maybe my search for the right 300ZX is coming to an end. I think I have reached a deal on the white one in Kentucky and will most likely be flying out there next week to drive it back unless something falls through. With that being possibly done I have started to focus some of my thoughts on what the first upgrade that I will do is. I need to find out what kind of exhaust it currently has. I think it just has single tips on each side which is a look I don’t necessarily like for the Z32. If it is that style of exhaust and it’s obnoxiously loud I’m going to have to move that up to my first priority. I was doing my daily checks on craigslist last night for 300s just in case something better comes along and ran across a Labree exhaust for sale. I had never heard of this brand before so I started checking on it and it was definitely the one with the tips that I like the most. I then did some checking on YouTube for videos of the exhaust to see how it sounded. I ran across videos that gave a good example of it and I thought it sounded pretty nice, I did read through some forums as well though and saw some folks talking about them “droning”. I’m not real sure what that means but I’d guess that it means they are too loud while you are driving the car. Since I plan on driving the car daily for the most part this probably won’t work but they do sound nice.
Once I decided those probably wouldn’t work I read in some more forums to try to find out what the quietest exhaust that still gives performance and a little meaner than stock sound. I’m not sure that I’ve found any answers in regard to which exhaust system that is yet so my search continues. I’ve tried to search for a Magnaflow exhaust for the 300ZX but I guess I’m confused because all I can seem to find from them is a catalytic converter. It seems Flowmaster makes one as well and I’ve seen people talking about B&B. I’m hoping that the exhaust on the one that I buy is to my liking and has a few miles left on it so that I have time to decide because it is very apparent to me that there are many things that I don’t know about when it comes to the available exhaust options for the 300ZX.
As a follow up on this. I was looking at this post and noticed some ads for a Borla exhaust on here. That is something I hadn’t ran across yet so I checked on youtube for videos of it in action. It sounds like the perfect exhaust for me but based on what I’ve seen in my quick look around it was only offered for the 2 seaters and not the 2+2. That is a bummer but at least I know what sound I’m looking for now.